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  2. Indirect Signature Required? : r/FedEx - Reddit

    ISR (indirect signature required) means that you can sign indirectly or a neighbor may sign for you. Ask your neighbor to lookout and sign for you if possible or, if you’re not home, when they leave the door tag, sign the bottom and when they return, they will take a picture of your indirect signature and release your package.

  3. Not home to sign for FedEx package. What to do? : r/Ebay - Reddit

    Go on the FedEx Website and change the delivery to the nearest FedEx store. I do this because otherwise I have to drive 30 miles to the FedEx depot to pick up my package. FedEx is a very uncooperative shipper in working with me. I'm home all day and I've left instructions on the gate to call me and I'll unlock it and sign.

  4. Can't access the "Sign for a Package" option : r/FedEx - Reddit

    So I have a Tablet coming tomorrow, and it requires a signature, so I logged in on the FedEx website and added it to my FedEx delivery manager. Since the package seems to be at "left the origin FedEx facility" the option to sign electronically has shown up on the tracking page, but upon tapping Sign for a Package, I get the message ...

  5. Is "direct signature required" a joke? : r/FedEx - Reddit

    If no signature may be obtained, the delivery agent will affix a door tag and may reattempt delivery up to three times, after which the package will be held at a local FedEx station. An authorized party may claim the package by bringing 1) said door tag 2) a government issued photo-ID to the facility listed.

  6. The system is unavailable. Please try again later. : r/FedEx -...

    I’m getting the same message and it’s almost 5 months after your post. I never have good luck with FedEx, and I always try to avoid companies that shop with them when possible. They say they don’t have enough staff, but neither does the post office and their tracking always works. A poorly managed company.

  7. For FedEx employees - Reddit

    FEDEX GROUND PACKAGE SYS. for anyone who wants to look it up. It's still very early in its process. Right now I think it's just my state of CT but the "claim" is that the CT Minimum Wage Act was violated by failing to compensate people for the time spent going through security, then the walk needed to the building and a time clock to punch in.

  8. FedEx delivery… someone signed for it? : r/FedEx - Reddit

    My package was out for delivery on the way to the location. I used FedEx ground which was my first mistake. They did not deliver it, but marked it as delivered. They even lied and showed that someone signed for the package! I called FedEx and a few reps told me that the driver marked it delivered, but they still have it and will be delivered ...

  9. FedEx Totalsales QRP website login help : r/Fedexers - Reddit

    A Reddit post asking for login details to access FedEx Totalsales QRP website, where employees can redeem certificates. The only reply suggests calling a reset line with date of hire.

  10. Looking for how to access benefits/flights : r/Fedexers - Reddit

    A FedEx employee asks how to see their benefits and flight discounts on r/Fedexers subreddit. Other employees reply with instructions on how to access FLC (FedEx Learning Center) and the keyword for travel discounts.

  11. Where can I check my schedule : r/Fedexers - Reddit

    Hey I got hired like 2 weeks ago as a package handler in a sunrise shift and I wanted to know if there's a site where I can check my schedule?