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  2. United States’ Postal Service “Informed Delivery” plan puts...

    Will USPS track whether and when users read Informed Delivery email? Who or what businesses get that information? Is Informed Delivery going to be another surveillance system that allows USPS to track what users do and share the information with third parties? Additionally, the description of “interactive content” is incomplete and unclear.

  3. Comments of the World Privacy Forum The United States Postal...

    WPF comments re: USPS Informed Delivery SORN, 81 FedReg 58542 p. 5 We see Informed Delivery as potentially opening up fresh new opportunities for criminals, phishers, and spammers. News articles have noted that trials of the system allow for marketers to attach click here links to images of mailed letters.

  4. Ocean Pines Maryland Forum Read Thread OPA Election Update -...

    “We recently learned that there was a one week delay by the printing and mailing contractor getting the envelopes to the USPS Bulk Distribution Center in Tacoma, WA. We are very unhappy about this situation. Some members who signed up for the USPS Informed Delivery daily email are reporting that their ballot is in today’s mail.

  5. Ocean Pines Maryland Forum Read Thread OPA Election Update -...

    Ocean Pines Maryland Did you pick the ballot up yet? I just picked up my ballot at 7:58 PM. The envelope was postmarked July 19, 2023 from Zip Code 98032 which is Kent, Washington.

  6. Modern Permanent Record | World Privacy Forum

    Here’s more information about Informed Delivery, and why it may create new phishing risks. Read more May 27 2014 FTC’s Data Broker Report Brings New Facts to Light about how Consumer Data is Captured and Sold

  7. Online/Offline | World Privacy Forum

    Here’s more information about Informed Delivery, and why it may create new phishing risks. Read more Feb 22 2013 Consumer experiences of job searching and online reputation

  8. Ocean Pines Maryland Forum Read Thread Annual Meeting...

    Notice of the new meeting date is also being sent this week via postcard (USPS delivery) to all member addresses of record. I would add that the re-scheduled meeting date has been extensively publicized here on your Forum (thank you for that), on other Facebook pages with large followings, and in news media reports. 4.

  9. Ocean Pines Maryland Forum Read Thread OPA Election Update -...

    OPA offers ballot drop box and expedited delivery to address election ballot delay Ballots should arrive this week (July 24, 2023) In response to the recent delay in members receiving their election ballots, the Ocean Pines Elections Committee is taking action to ensure the integrity and efficiency of the voting process.


    Ocean Pines Maryland

  11. A Longitudinal Study - World Privacy Forum

    Usually, this kind of scam involves at least two or three victims. The amounts tranferred in this kind of scam are usually just under $10,000. In Appendix A, there is a good example of this kind of request in an email from the scam artists to a victim. The instructions are to wire $9,600 and keep $480.